2022. 6. 30. 22:49ㆍ강의 내용 정리/자료구조
Stack and Queue 구현
C++을 통해서 Stack과 Queue를 구현했다. 이전 실습과 마찬가지로 ItemType, Stack(Queue), Application을 세 파트로 나누어 코드를 구현했다. ItemType과 Application은 Unsorted list와 크게 다른 부분이 없기에 이는 이전 포스팅을 참고하면 좋을 것 같다.
2022.05.11 - [강의 내용 정리/자료구조] - 자료구조 구현 (1), Unsorted list
자료구조 구현 (1), Unsorted list
Unsorted list 구현 C++을 통해서 Unsorted list를 구현했다. 특히 ItemType, Unsorted list, Application을 세 파트로 나누어 코드를 구현했다. Unsorted list는 각 요소로서 ItemType을 포함하고 있고, Applicat..
해당 실습 역시 이전 실습과 마찬가지로 Array List로 구현했다.
1. Stack
1) Stack.h
#include "ItemType.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define maxStack 10
* @brief Exception class thrown by Push when stack is full.
class FullStack
* @brief Display a message for full stack on screen.
void print()
cout << "FullStack exception thrown." << endl;
* @brief Exception class thrown by Pop and Top when stack is empty.
class EmptyStack
* @brief Display a message for full stack on screen.
void print()
cout << "EmtpyStack exception thrown." << endl;
* @brief Stack class.
* @details This class processes as Last In, First Out (LIFO).
class Stack
* @brief Allocate dynamic array whose size is maxStack.
* @pre The maxStack is defined
* @post Member of items points the allocated array.
* @brief Destruct the object. Free the array dynamically allocated.
* @pre Release memory for stack pointer.
* @post none.
* @brief Determines whether the stack is full.
* @pre Stack has been initialized.
* @post Function value = (stack is full)
bool IsFull() const;
* @brief Determines whether the stack is empty.
* @pre Stack has been initialized.
* @post Function value = (stack is empty)
bool IsEmpty() const;
* @brief Adds newItem to the top of the stack.
* @pre Stack has been initialized.
* @post If (stack is full), FullStack exception is thrown; otherwise, newItem is at the top of the stack.
void Push(ItemType item);
* @brief Removes top item from the stack.
* @pre Stack has been initialized.
* @post If (stack is empty), EmptyStack exception is thrown; otherwise, top element has been removed from stack.
ItemType Pop();
* @brief Returns a copy of top item on the stack.
* @pre Stack has been initialized.
* @post If (stack is empty), EmptyStack exception is thrown; otherwise, top element has been removed from stack.
ItemType Top();
* @brief Print all the items in the stack on screen
* @pre Stack has been initialized.
* @post None.
void Print();
int top; ///< Number of elements.
ItemType* items; ///< Pointer for a stack.
2) Stack.cpp
#include "Stack.h"
// Allocate dynamic array whose size is maxStack 500.
items = new ItemType[maxStack];
top = -1;
// Destruct the object. Free the array dynamically allocated.
delete[] items;
// Determines whether the stack is full.
bool Stack::IsEmpty() const
if (top <= -1)
return true;
return false;
// Determines whether the stack is empty.
bool Stack::IsFull() const
if (top >= maxStack - 1)
return true;
return false;
// Adds newItem to the top of the stack.
void Stack::Push(ItemType newItem)
if (IsFull())
throw FullStack();
items[top] = newItem;
// Removes top item from the stack.
ItemType Stack::Pop()
ItemType temp;
if (IsEmpty())
throw EmptyStack();
temp = Top();
return temp;
// Removes top item from the stack.
ItemType Stack::Top()
if (IsEmpty())
throw EmptyStack();
return items[top];
// Print all the items in the stack on screen
void Stack::Print()
cout << "Stack: ";
// Stack 내의 모든 element 출력.
for (int i = top; i >= 0; i--)
cout << items[i] << " - ";
cout << endl;
- Stack의 공간이 모두 차있는데 push를 하거나, 비어있는데 pop을 할 경우에 대해 예외처리를 해주었다. 이때 생성자를 통해 객체를 만들어서 return 값으로 전달하여 예외처리를 해주었다.
- 기본적인 Stack이기에 어렵지 않게 이해할 수 있다.
2. Queue
1) Queue.h
#include "ItemType.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define maxQueue 10
* @brief Exception class thrown by Enqueue when queue is full.
class FullQueue
* @brief Display a message for full queue on screen.
void print()
cout << "FullQueue exception thrown." << endl;
* @brief Exception class thrown by Dequeue when queue is empty.
class EmptyQueue
* @brief Display a message for empty queue on screen.
void print()
cout << "EmtpyQueue exception thrown." << endl;
* @brief Queue class.
* @details This class processes as First In, First Out (FIFO), 템플릿을 적용해 다양한 변수 타입을 저장할 수 있다.
template <typename T>
class CircularQueueType
* @brief Allocate dynamic array whose size is maxQueue.
* @pre The maxQueue is defined
* @post Member of items points the allocated array.
CircularQueueType() {
m_nMaxQueue = maxQueue + 1;
m_iRear = m_nMaxQueue - 1;
m_iFront = m_nMaxQueue - 1;
m_pItems = new T[m_nMaxQueue];
* @brief Allocate dynamic array whose size is max.
* @pre none.
* @post Member of items points the allocated array.
CircularQueueType(int max) {
m_nMaxQueue = max + 1;
m_iRear = m_nMaxQueue -1;
m_iFront = m_nMaxQueue -1;
m_pItems = new T[m_nMaxQueue];
* @brief Destruct the object. Free the array dynamically allocated.
* @pre Release memory for queue pointer.
* @post none.
~CircularQueueType() {
delete[] m_pItems;
* @brief Determines whether the queue is full.
* @pre Queue has been initialized.
* @post Function value = (queue is full)
bool IsFull() {
return (m_iRear + 1) % m_nMaxQueue == m_iFront;
* @brief Determines whether the queue is empty.
* @pre Queue has been initialized.
* @post Function value = (queue is empty)
bool IsEmpty() {
return m_iRear == m_iFront;
* @brief Makes the queue empty.
* @pre Queue has been initialized.
* @post m_iFront와 m_iRear is set same value as Constructer.
void MakeEmpty() {
m_iRear = m_nMaxQueue - 1;
m_iFront = m_nMaxQueue - 1;
* @brief Adds newItem to the last of the queue.
* @pre Queue has been initialized.
* @post If (queue is full), FullQueue exception is thrown; otherwise, newItem is at the last.
void EnQueue(T item) {
if (IsFull()) throw FullQueue();
else {
m_iRear = (m_iRear + 1) % m_nMaxQueue;
m_pItems[m_iRear] = item;
* @brief Removes first item from the queue.
* @pre Queue has been initialized.
* @post If (queue is empty), EmptyQueue exception is thrown; otherwise, first element has been removed from queue. item gets value of removed item.
void DeQueue(T& item) {
if (IsEmpty()) throw EmptyQueue();
else {
m_iFront = (m_iFront + 1) % m_nMaxQueue;
item = m_pItems[m_iFront];
* @brief Print all the items in the queue on screen
* @pre Queue has been initialized.
* @post None.
void Print() {
if (!IsEmpty()) {
int front = (m_iFront + 1) % m_nMaxQueue;
while (true) {
cout << m_pItems[front];
if (front == m_iRear) break;
front = (front + 1) % m_nMaxQueue;
cout << " - ";
cout << endl;
int m_iFront; //index of one infront of the first element.
int m_iRear; //index of the last element.
int m_nMaxQueue; //max size of the queue.
T* m_pItems; //pointer for dynamic allocation.
- 템플릿 클래스를 통해 Queue를 구현했기에 h 파일만으로 이를 구현했다. 템플릿 클래스인 경우 h와 cpp 파일을 구분해서 작성하면 심볼을 찾을 수 없어 에러가 발생할 수 있다. 따라서 템플릿 클래스인 경우에는 h 혹은 hpp 파일로 만들어서 구현하는 것이 좋다.
- Stack과 마찬가지로 클래스를 통해 예외처리를 해주었다.
- 기본적인 Queue이기에 그리 어려운 점은 없다.
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