[3] Logistic Regression Principles
Logistic regression uses the sigmoid function as an activation function and the logability function as a cost function. Activation function Odds ratio: the probability that a particular event will occur. $$\frac{P}{(1 - P)}$$ Where P is the probability that it is a positive sample, which refers to the probability that the target to be predicted will occur. The log function is usually defined by ..
2020.12.31 -
[2] Implement Adaline (adaptive linear neuron)
This post is code from notbook, which won bronze medal in kaggle. If you are interested, please refer to the laptop. www.kaggle.com/choihanbin/predict-titanic-survival-by-adaptive-linear-neuron In the previous posting, we looked at perceptron. This time we're going to talk about Adalin, a slightly modified version of this. 2020/12/31 - [English/Machine learning algorithm] - [1] Try implementing ..
2020.12.31 -
[1] Try implementing Perceptron
1. Mathematical definitions of artificial neurons Prior to implementing Perceptron, the mathematical definition of Perceptron must precede. The Perceptron we want to implement is simply a binary classification task with two classes. Defines the determination function by linear combination of the input value x and corresponding weight vector w. Linear combinations have organized concepts in diffe..