Data Scientist(4)
[7] About RandomForest
Random forest can be thought of as an ensemble of decision trees. Because individual decision trees have a high variance problem, the goal of Random Forest is to average multiple decision trees to improve generalization performance and reduce the risk of overfitting. Learning Process for Random Forests 1. Draw n random bootstrap samples by allowing redundancy in the training set. 2. Learn the de..
2021.01.07 -
[5] Non-linear Troubleshooting with Kernel SVM
Algorithms such as linear SVMs and regression cannot distinguish classes that are distinguished by nonlinearity. Using kernel methods using the mapping function\(\phi\) can solve nonlinear problems. Using the mapping function, the nonlinear combination of the original characteristics can be projected into a linearly differentiated high-dimensional space, where the hyperplane is distinguished and..
2021.01.04 -
[2] Implement Adaline (adaptive linear neuron)
This post is code from notbook, which won bronze medal in kaggle. If you are interested, please refer to the laptop. In the previous posting, we looked at perceptron. This time we're going to talk about Adalin, a slightly modified version of this. 2020/12/31 - [English/Machine learning algorithm] - [1] Try implementing ..
2020.12.31 -
[1] Try implementing Perceptron
1. Mathematical definitions of artificial neurons Prior to implementing Perceptron, the mathematical definition of Perceptron must precede. The Perceptron we want to implement is simply a binary classification task with two classes. Defines the determination function by linear combination of the input value x and corresponding weight vector w. Linear combinations have organized concepts in diffe..